Bachelor of Science – Engineering

Harvey Mudd College





Harvey Mudd Engineering Honors | May 2017

Harvey S. Mudd Merit Award Scholarship | Fall 2013 – Spring 2017

Harvey Mudd Superior Academic Performance | Fall 2013

Marv Cook Memorial Math Scholarship | 2013 – 2014

Washington State Scholar Award nomination | Spring 2013

National Merit Commended Student | Spring 2013



Bachelor of Science – Engineering | May 2017

Engineering Honors

Location: Claremont, CA


Relevant coursework:

  • Engineering Design and Manufacturing
  • Product Design and Modeling
  • Advanced Systems Engineering
  • Human Centered Design
  • Control Theory
  • Continuum Mechanics
  • Digital Electronics & Computer Engineering
  • Electric & Magnetic Circuits
  • Experimental Engineering
  • Data Structures & Program Development



Study Abroad | Spring 2016

Location: Limerick, Ireland



  • Control Theory
  • Product Design and Modelling
  • Wood Technology & Design
  • Gender: Sociological Perspective
  • Ireland Revolution and Independence



Study Abroad | Summer 2014

Location: Beijing, China



  • China in Transformation
  • Chinese Language
  • Electricity and Magnetic Circuits



High School Summer Program | Summer 2012

Location: Stanford, CA



  • Intro to Programming (Java)
  • Painting and Drawing



High School Diploma | June 2013

Graduated top 1%

Location: Woodinville, WA

11 AP courses